It seems that Donald Trump is shaping up to be the next u.s president. again. which i kind of expected, with his whole thing after being shot. i feel like that might have been a stunt but that just might be my inner libre speaking. shhh. either way, im not concerning myself with it too much. but man, having a president who hates your race sure is interesting. i feel like its 2016 all over again. boo!!! i want ben quadinaros!!! (yes the star wars podracer as im sure you all know) goofy presidents aside, today was cool.

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Here is me harrasing rook with my wonderful politcal views. #VOTEBENFORPREZYO

At school two different people walked with me to class, it was odd. but it made me feel welcome in a way. ive been too in my head so it was nice to have people come up to me. it was on separate occasions so that was even odder! strange, but it made my day. i wish u guys well, Su and Will. (they dont know about this) besides that school was chill, i think i did okay on the math quiz. idk. after school i drew sum. the pic u see rn and another one that will be fire. keep ur eyes peeled. i need to stop being lazy after school though, but at least i didnt nap. also been thinking of the dia de los muertos event on friday. im so excited. the unknown is so interesting. anyway i don't have much else to say. gonna sleep soon cause its late as of writing this. im curious what my history teacher will say bout this whole election business. who the hell knows. anyway, see you.

Yours truly,

Almost Omelette.